AROUND US, THE CIRCUSEDITORIALApril 5, 2021/Author: admin Illustration for the short story Around us, the circus, written by Anáis Fernández, for... 0
THE MENTAL EXHAUSTATIONEDITORIALMarch 22, 2021/Author: admin Speculative illustration for an article on the mental exhaustation and how we are living... 0
ARCHITECTURE FOR REFUGEESEDITORIALOctober 24, 2014/Author: admin Speculative illustration for an article on the miserable conditions for living in East Europe... 4 0
EUROPE´S DREAMEDITORIALOctober 24, 2014/Author: admin Speculative illustration for an article on the situation of Europe with the massive inmagration... 2 0